To turn off automatic payments on PayPal, follow these steps:
1. Log In to PayPal:
- Go to or open the PayPal app and log into your account.
2. Go to Settings:
- On the desktop, click the gear icon (Settings) in the top-right corner.
- On mobile, tap the three horizontal lines (Menu) and select “Settings”.
3. Access Payments Settings:
- On desktop: In the Settings menu, click on the “Payments” tab.
- On mobile: Scroll down to “Payments” and tap “Manage automatic payments”.
4. Manage Automatic Payments:
- You’ll see a list of merchants or subscriptions with active automatic payments.
- Click on the merchant or subscription you want to cancel.
5. Turn Off Automatic Payments:
- Once you’ve selected a merchant or subscription, click “Cancel” or “Turn Off” (depending on your interface).
- Confirm your choice to stop the automatic payments.
6. Repeat for Other Subscriptions (if necessary):
- If you have multiple subscriptions, repeat the process for each one to turn off automatic payments.
Once you cancel the automatic payments, PayPal will no longer automatically withdraw funds for that subscription or service.